Sunday 24 August 2014

'Eve of Destruction'  - many of you 'senior' folk out there will recall this well-known and classic protest song from 1965 by Barry McGuire - it seems fitting in this current global situation that we find ourselves, to quote the title of this song, as we appear to be looking down into the full face of the precipice and potential destruction today!

Unfortunately, many are still asleep, the java is wafting its aroma but not many can smell it! - it is about time the world woke up to the real crimes and hideous atrocities committed nearer to home (aka your own governments and institutions) - much of which is organised and carried out on behalf of your own individual 'safety' and 'freedom' - when in essence those very two aspects of life are being taken away from you.

In particular - the so called 'terrorism' threat - what terrorism? at least not to the extent our governments are telling us....the only major 'terrorism' is enacting out in our parliaments, security and military institutions.

When'they' inform us 'they' have defeated a major terror plot, how the heck do we know that there was a plot in the first place?! - much of the planned and coordinated 'terror making' media is to enforce into individuals that we are under 'attack' and to give support to our security and military keepers, and licence to enact whatever measures they see fit to 'protect' the people - i.e. carry ID cards, restriction of freedom and ultimately martial law.

Yes we are on the verge of destruction, the destruction of very own freedom and free will.... and if you do not bend, you will be 'assimilated' very much like the Borg (Star Trek reference)

This blog is a personal view of what will transpire over the short-term future, and it 'ain't looking bright~!

With the current events in Iraq (with many fake videos) the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, Ukraine and many more - now is the time to question not accept the media propaganda that is being fed to the people -
Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Yep... the evidence is all around us! From missing aircraft false flags, to a 40,000 Iraq army fleeing before 3,000 hired miscreants, but not before they abandoned all their sophisticated weaponry to arm the (ISIS) invading rent a mob!!! Man oh man.... one story alone, but the tip of an orchestrated iceberg. We have seconds on the world clock to wake up from our sheeple narcosis before we are stuffed for the next 100 years and more.
